Egads! it’s a law book!

Yeah, it’s true. I am reading a big, heavy book again with a highlighter in my left hand and my notetaking pen furiously whooshing away with thoughts in my right. Unlike the first run through law school, I am actually enjoying taking this law class. This one, sports law at Michigan, is part of my Knight-Wallace fellowship choosing. Granted, not having to take the final or fight the other law rodents (not my term, one of my prof’s from back in the day), makes a huge difference in my enjoyment level. But still, nice to be back in law school, know what the drill is, but not have to deal with the drama. It’s a win-win.

But sad to see what the law school youngins don’t know these days, namely, people in the book (aka cases, baby!) such as Danny Ainge, Pete Rose or Bart Giamatti. I wanted to answer that Pete Rose had a bad bowl cut but could hit, Danny Ainge was an irritating Celtics player from my youth or the guy that Joe Dumars fleeced to swing the Chucky Atkins/Rasheed Wallace/phantom Lindsey Hunter trade in 2004 to help the Pistons ultimately win the NBA title, and Giamatti has a son who is a cool actor. The kids clearly have to get up to speed.

I’m also taking a class on negotiations at the Ross Business school…very interesting stuff. I hope to learn about myself, and others, so I can help create better deals. Or just do a better job on the next car I will have to buy in the next year or two. Look out car dealerships…I will be a smarter shark this time around.

Until next time, stay warm and…namaste.


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