Egads! it’s a law book!

Yeah, it’s true. I am reading a big, heavy book again with a highlighter in my left hand and my notetaking pen furiously whooshing away with thoughts in my right. Unlike the first run through law school, I am actually enjoying taking this law class. This one, sports law at Michigan, is part of my Knight-Wallace fellowship choosing. Granted, not having to take the final or fight the other law rodents (not my term, one of my prof’s from back in the day), makes a huge difference in my enjoyment level. But still, nice to be back in law school, know what the drill is, but not have to deal with the drama. It’s a win-win.

But sad to see what the law school youngins don’t know these days, namely, people in the book (aka cases, baby!) such as Danny Ainge, Pete Rose or Bart Giamatti. I wanted to answer that Pete Rose had a bad bowl cut but could hit, Danny Ainge was an irritating Celtics player from my youth or the guy that Joe Dumars fleeced to swing the Chucky Atkins/Rasheed Wallace/phantom Lindsey Hunter trade in 2004 to help the Pistons ultimately win the NBA title, and Giamatti has a son who is a cool actor. The kids clearly have to get up to speed.

I’m also taking a class on negotiations at the Ross Business school…very interesting stuff. I hope to learn about myself, and others, so I can help create better deals. Or just do a better job on the next car I will have to buy in the next year or two. Look out car dealerships…I will be a smarter shark this time around.

Until next time, stay warm and…namaste.


Happy holidays!

Hey everybody –

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving and are preparing well for the upcoming holiday season. This is always one of my favorite times of the year. I am a huge sucker for Christmas lights. I will not be a sucker for all the sweets and Christmas cookies this year. I promise.

Finally working my way back into good shape to play tennis and tackle all the things I want to do/try. It takes time to get back to yourself from ACL surgery and rehab. They tell you that, you believe them, but you have no clue what it really means. I was told, at the World Cup this summer in Germany, by a player that she felt she was 100 percent herself about 18-20 months after surgery. And you know what, I think she’s right.

In the meantime, I am doing all my stretches and cardio to kick my butt into shape. It’s actually fun to work out, because you know the alternative of not being able to move 🙂

So I have been busy, continuing to write for the NY Times, contribute as an editor for espnW, and do some fun things for Go check them out.

In the meantime….go get on Santa’s nice list, if you’re not there already!!!

Thanks and love!

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