School is nigh!

Yes children, I feel your pain. School is starting soon, for some, even today! I am eagerly waiting for Target to change out their “Under Pressure” recorder-driven commercials for Christmas ads, like in September 🙂

It has been a good summer, a crazy summer filled with a lot of stuff. Always grateful for family, friends, good health and good times. That’s all that matters. The rest…just details that we worry about and then have to let go. I have tried to adopt the theory of, will this matter in 5 years? More often than not, it will not.

A year ago, I was moving to Ann Arbor to begin life as a Knight-Wallace fellow at the University of Michigan. This year, happy to stay in one place and not disrupt life like that again for such a fleeting and narrow thing. Living out of boxes with one saute pan is an adventure that best crossed off the bucket list. Done. Thanks.

Anyways, here is some of my recent work:

In the New York Times.


Have a fun start back to school! It’s all good.


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