Interesting question…

Was recently somewhere, doing something (like my vagueness! hee hee) and was asked why I don’t write more on my website. Aka, if I am such a good communicator, why am I not communicating more? An interesting question, and here is the answer: I am writing my fingers off doing other projects, like the book and articles, and I really don’t have many words left to wax wise. Simple as that. I don’t have a need to make my life a confessional either, so that cuts out a lot of material 🙂 Hah!

So here is what I have been up to, in case you need proof, and you know who you are:

Stories for the U.S. Olympic Committee’s website,
Paralympians Cassie Mitchell and Kerri Morgan are also, ahem, Ph.D’s in their free time. Crazy busy, and successful, women.

Chancellor Ramirez is kinda really good at water polo. If only he can master the rules of the nefarious TSA.

– 2012 swimming Olympic gold medalist Conor Dwyer has made some big changes in his life, and he’s swimming even faster.

– I do a story on you, you win an ESPY. Or something like that. Jeremy Campbell is one strong dude.

Eugene Godsoe is really good at fly…my shoulders hurt thinking of his mileage 🙂


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