The hard side of the job…

Sports is about emotion. Winners, losers, the fans, etc. It’s fun being around people are so happy, such as the Villanova basketball team last night in Boston. They were giddy, with everybody from the coach to the players acting like little boys on Christimas. But being around the other side, the heartbroken Pitt team, was awful. The last thing they wanted to do is be dragged up on a podium, have bright lights trained on them, and have a bunch of reporters ask what went wrong a mere 15 minutes after they lost the game. You feel guilty. Or should I say, I FEEL guilty. You want to let them have their moment of agony in private. Instead, you have to be the person with the sharp stick poking them with questions. It’s the job, blah, blah, blah, and yes, the teams understand the drill. But it’s still a horrible moment to be a witness to. I’d rather stick with the happy people.

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