Land of confusion….

Something that’s not unusual for being in your first weeks of law school. I am reading, doing a lot of note taking and trying to get a handle of all the stuff that’s being thrown at me. The reading is beyond boring, and as I am discovering, very few of these justices actually know how to write. And yes, I am looking at you, Supreme Court. Yeesh. Smart people, lacking writing skills. Maybe their brains exploded at Harvard and Yale, etc. No idea.

I am just taking each day at a time, doing the very best I can. And then letting go. Already have classmates putting so much pressure on themselves about grades. ind you, the grade is the final exam, which comes in December.So what they are freaking out about now, no idea. But I hope they relax, for their sakes. Everybody is told if you’re not in the top 10 percent, etc. you are doomed. I refuse to accept that. Only 18 people can be in the top 10 in my class. So the other 170 people in the class are worthless? Dumb.

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