Deep thoughts…

One of the fun things about teaching a few classes and still working in the real world (not that teaching isn’t working or the real world – they definitely are!), is getting to run the students through situations I encounter. We had a really active discussion on Friday, about a CNN story that I was interviewed for on NFL cheerleaders. For the record, which was a little lost in the story, I have nothing against cheerleaders, I think they should totally be allowed to do what they do. I know they train hard, have to have a dance/gymnastics background, etc. What my comments were about revolved around the idea that cheerleaders are totally important to the NFL game product, and without them, nobody would cheer, etc. Which we all know is clearly false. Cheerleaders are just window-dressing, eye-candy, and something fun for the hetero male population. (Never mind that there are A TON of female NFL fans….)

So the CNN story went up, and we watched Friday, in real time, the hateful, nasty, and just stupid comments go up on their comment board. Some against me, some for me. Some calling me a political partisan, slamming me for not being a model (because only other models can discuss models – so I can only assume KrispyKreme123 is like, Naomi Campbell?), and others just inane and insane.

But the lessons were real, and perfect: 1) people who can hide anonymously on message boards will say things that they NEVER, EVER would say in public. It’s like another identity, an outlet to be totally horrible without being held accountable, 2) being in the public eye, even for a tiny bit, draws in people who want to knock you down, 3) Al Gore invented in the internet for this?!? (I kid, I kid).

The students were horrified. This can happen to you when you write a story? Or comment on something? Yep. You get taken apart. You are called stupid things, and without much sense entering the picture.

Life lessons are always the best teacher. Even for the teachers 🙂

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