Happy spring?!

OK, fine, I won’t rush the seasons, because as a native Michigander, I know that can only bring really bad things. Like a huge snowstorm on Easter or something equally as yucky. All I am saying is I see crocuses, tips of tulips and some baby daffodils peeking out in front of the casa. Shh…be verrrry qwiet…flowers and bunny wabbits! 🙂

Anyways, life is good and very busy with the three Ts: teaching, traveling (for work), and training.

Here’s some of my recent work:
– For mgoblue.com, on the link between Courtney Avery and George Jewett, the first African-American to play football at Michigan.
– For espnW.com, a trip to the great tundra of Houghton, Mich. to check out Michigan Tech’s winning basketball program.

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