Rest in Peace Matt…

Sometimes you hear news that doesn’t even seem possible, much less true. I felt that way Saturday afternoon, when a friend called to let me know that longtime Pistons PR guy Matt Dobek had died. Only 51.

Last time I saw Matt, was at a Pistons game in April. That now seems like another lifetime. Since then, the team fired him (we can get into a whole debate about that one), and Matt apparently was not taking things well. He ended his life Saturday, and I really wish he had not done that.

His family is keeping their services for him private. I would love to tell them how sorry I am, and how I am praying for them and Matt. It’s all I can do to help them. If you have a spare moment, please do the same. Send them a thought and prayer.

And in the end, I hope Matt has the peace he was probably looking for. He paid a very high price for it.

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