Book = finish line!

I feel like I have been watching a zombie movie for the past two years. Except I am the zombie. Writing a book that will never die.

But the book, aka the concussion book, aka now known as “Back in the Game”, is in the final stages to be released this fall by Oxford University Press. It has been a labor of love by zombie 1 (me), and zombie 2 (Dr. Jeff Kutcher). We so excited and proud of the work, knowing we are sincere in our desire to advance the discussion about sports neurology and athlete brain health.

In that vein, here’s a link to a recent piece we did on that subject.

And we have a book!

The work has been going on for nearly 2 years, but the finish line is here!

Our book, “Back in the Game: Why Concussion Doesn’t Have to End Your Athletic Career”, will be published late this summer by Oxford University Press. Dr. Jeff Kutcher, my co-author, and I are super excited to have done this labor of love for youth parents, coaches and athletes.

More info to come on the book, and where you can get it!
2016 book flyer

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